Anne Cochran

Anne Cochran

Monday, August 23, 2010

Save the dates!

For CHAMPS Seniors and Their Folks --

Please save two dates on your calendars...

1.  Sept. 15th or Sept. 16th (your choice of either night) - Combo Event:  Overview of senior-year activities (prom, grad night, graduation, senior photos, etc.) as well as Senior College Night (information regarding college application dates, deadlines, etc.), 6:30pm to 9:00-ish, CHAMPS Gym.  I can't stress enough how important it is for you to attend this meeting.

2.  Sept. 23rd, Financial Aid Night - Part 1, 7:00pm, CHAMPS Gym - David Levy, Director of Financial Aid at Scripps College, will lead us through a highly informative and useful presentation regarding everything you need to know about applying for college financial aid.  He will return on January 13th to lead you through your FAFSA preparation.

I'll email out more detailed notices closer to these events' dates. 


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Two short reminders!

Hey Y'all,
Just reminding you of two things: Sign up now for your fall testing dates before you forget...SATs are at, and the ACT Plus Writing is at     Also, if you plan to apply to one or more UC campuses, you also need to take two SAT Subject Tests (NOT MATH 1C, because they don't accept it). Do it, do it, do it...Also know there's a good (and FREE) online test prep site, which is

Also - don't forget to jump onto The Common Application site at and familiarize yourself...and even get started! There's a great little (very short) Flash movie there that will give you an overview of it, in case you're confused about The Common App's purpose and functions. Ask me questions about it if you want. However, I think you'll see that it's pretty straightforward.
Enjoy what's left of your summer,